Children's Surgery

At Paediatric Diagnostics we understand that having a child who may need surgery can be very stressful for the entire family, we have an excellent team who work in partnership with parents, to ensure that the best outcomes possible are achieved for children and families.

Paediatric surgery is a practice that specialises in the care of children with both simple and complex surgical conditions. Professor Sinha is a Consultant Paediatric Surgeon and a specialist in Paediatric Urology, upper and lower Gastrointestinal surgery, Paediatric vascular anomalies and minimally invasive surgery. Professor Sinha has over 25 years of experience in Paediatric Surgery and can see and operate at a variety of hospitals including Spire St Anthonys, Spire London East and BUPA Cromwell Hospitals.

Professor Sinha and the team provide comprehensive care to children suffering from a variety of conditions. Below are a list of common problems which we can see and can be treated in our hospitals.

Paediatric Urology:

Phimosis: Phimosis is a condition in which the foreskin of the penis is too tight. In many children it is normal, but in some children, there might be scarring or BXO (Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans) causing permanent narrowing. These children are likely to require an operation.

Balanitis: In this condition, the foreskin gets infected which might lead to scarring and permanent narrowing. In the initial stage. It can be treated with antibiotics, but if repeated problem then it needs an operation.

Undescended Testicle: This is a common condition in infants when the testis has not descended fully into the base of the scrotum by the time a baby boy is born. This needs to be assessed by a paediatric surgeon and it needs operation (orchidopexy) if remains undescended by 6 months of age.

Inguinal Hernia: Inguinal hernia presents as a lump in the groin, which is caused by a part of the bowel, or other contents of the abdomen, protruding through an opening in the lining of the abdomen, near to the groin. It usually presents during the first year of life but may present at any stage during childhood. These children should be reviewed by a Paediatric Surgeon and will possibly require an operation.

Hydrocele: Hydrocele is a collection of fluid around the testicle. It can be of many types and can vary in its presentation and treatment. Sometimes, it is also difficult to differential between a hydrocele and an inguinal hernia, so this condition needs to be seen urgently by a paediatric surgeon.

Paediatric Surgery:

– Ingrowing Toenail: It usually affects the great toenail. This condition occurs when the edges or corners of the nail grow into the surrounding skin. It is a very painful condition. Many times, it can be treated without operation and there are many types of surgery for this condition.

– Tongue-tie (Anterior, Posterior): Tongue-tie is a common condition in newborn babies in which the tissue on the undersurface of the tongue is very tight restricting the movement of the tongue and causing a problem with breastfeeding. It can also cause difficulty in speech sometimes. This condition can be treated safely by operation without anaesthesia in newborn babies.

– Umbilical hernia: It is a protrusion of abdominal contents at the umbilicus, (or belly button). This occurs due to the failure of the umbilical ring to completely close over once the umbilical cord has fallen off. It closes in most cases, but in some cases, if it is persistent or causing pain or other symptoms, it needs surgical fixation.

– Neck lumps: There are many non-cancer paediatric surgical conditions, which can give rise to a neck lump, which could be Lymph nodes enlargement, Thyroglossal duct cyst, Dermoid cyst, Branchial cyst, Thyroid swelling, Lipoma, Sternomastoid tumour, Teratoma or vascular anomalies. However, cancer can also be a cause of these swellings, hence need urgent assessment by a paediatic surgeon.

– Mole, Cyst, Skin lesions, Lipoma, Abscess: These are common surgical conditions. Many of these need removal and testing for the nature of the swelling.

– Pilonidal sinus: This is a condition in which there can be one or multiple holes or tunnels underneath the skin at the top (cleft) of the buttock. It can get infected and cause pain and swelling. Many of these need operative intervention.

LOWER Gastrointestinal Paediatric Surgery:

– Per rectal bleeding: Common surgical cause of this could be a Rectal Polyp, Anal Fissure, Piles (Haemorrhoids) or Fistula. Constipation is a common associated finding. These children need to be assessed as there are many other causes which need emergency treatment.


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